Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Meet The DominateIM Admins

So who are the guys behind DominateIM? As I mentioned in my initial post, all of the DominateIM admins are prominent members of the forum BlackHatWorld. I decided it would be interesting to scour BHW for some of their best posts and list them here. You can even start making money right now, just by reading some of the threads listed below.

Nick Flame

Nick Flame's "Why so serious?" backlink trick...

So you need free good content? Read here!

Youtube Traffic Thieves - Blackhat guide

Let's discuss about Domain Parking


How many of you are REALLY tracking your ads?

Stop downloading, start doing


Any New Ebooks or Programs out that are MUST Have??

Clickbank products!


Using Nude Celebrities To Get Email/Zip Submit Conversions - Make $$$

A YouTube Marketing Idea


Craigslist - A step-by-step guide to get your ads to stick

How to Make an Easy $50/day if Your Ads Stick on CL

Hopefully these threads demonstrate the expertise of each of the DominateIM admins.

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