Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What You'll Be Learning At DominateIM

The admins of DominateIM are experts of various internet marketing niches. To give you a taste of what techniques you'll be learning about, I've compiled a list of the Month 1 topics that are currently posted on DominateIM.

  • Incentive Marketing

  • Offline CPA Marketing

  • Craigslist Marketing

  • Media Buying

  • Traffic PPV and PPC

  • Cookie Stuffing

  • Social Network Marketing

  • YouTube Marketing

As of today, I would say that the most developed techniques on the DominateIM membership site so far are the Offline CPA Marketing, Cooking Stuffing and YouTube Marketing. By developed, I mean you can read the lesson and start implementing the techniques right away. So of the others are setting the stage for discussion in the forums or for future lessons. Before taking the DominateIM plunge, make sure that you are confident in your ability to join the various CPA Affiliate Networks. Although the forums do discuss effective ways of getting accepted, I've noticed that some people still have issues with this.

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